Team Information

Charles Essel

Acting Board Chairman

Working closely with the Managing Director, Charles’ enterprising and
excellent interpretation and response to situations have been directed carefully
and safely (navigated) Nickseth Construction company Limited to this
extraordinary achievement.
His ability to recognize opportunities and predict changing industrial
requirements and adoption of advanced construction equipment, new
and innovative technologies and discovered training needs of staff have been
central to achieving the company’s short-term and long-term objectives
and make advances towards its vision.
His technical prowess has been very cardinal in the successful diversification
of the company which in turn has significantly enhanced its reputation
and increased its valuation. Being a Mechanical Engineer and an Architect,
Charles leads in the definition of the technological strategy of the company,
overseeing technical designs, identifying strengths, assessing technical risk
and prescribing mitigation measures.
Charles a Lecturer holds a Master of Science in Architecture, and a
Bachelor of Science in Architecture from St. Petersburg State University of
Architectural Engineering, St. Petersburg, Russia and a Full Technological
Certificate in Mechanical Engineering (Plant Engineering Option) from
Tarkwa School of Mines, Tarkwa, Ghana. He is a member of Ghana
Institute of Architects, a member of the Ghana Institute of Construction, and
a member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, Ghana (IET).

  • 099 - 563 369 58
  • bariplan Floor New World, UK.